Services & Pricing

$ 95 Hourly
  • 60 minute - $95
  • 90 minute - $145
  • 120 minute - $190
Massage Therapy
The goal of a therapeutic massage varies depending on the person. It may be to achieve pain/tension/stress relief, prevent injury, maintain hard working bodies, post injury care, release soft tissue, increase blood flow, etc. Pressure may range from light to deep, depending on the individual's needs. I am a strong believer in giving the pressure that is most healing for the body. Some people need more and some people need less. In a massage session you can expect to be listened to from the start. Before the session begins we will create a plan together - making sure all your problem areas are addressed. During the session I will check in as needed to make sure pressure is in that "hurts so good" realm. No massage is going to look the same. Our bodies needs vary daily -  you may need superficial fascial work, stretching, cupping, lymphatic drainage, more attention to the nervous system, deep tissue, lighter pressure, etc.
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Lymphatic Drainage
Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a treatment using gentle, skin stretch movements used to clear lymphatic fluid where it's getting stagnant so it can be reabsorbed into the body. The goal is to relieve swelling that happens when medical treatment or illness blocks your lymphatic system from functioning properly.  Who Can Benefit? Lymphedema (swelling in arms and legs, NOT caused by infection or acute inflammation), pre/post surgery, pre/post pardum, lipsuction recovery, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, lipedema, various autoimmune diseases, scar tissue recovery, sports injury recovery, restricted range of motion, hardening/thickening of the skin (fibrosis) What is your lymphatic system? As a vital part of your immune system, your lymphatic system protects you from infection and destroys old or abnormal cells your body doesn’t need. Lymphatic system functions also include maintaining normal fluid levels in your body and absorbing fats and fat-soluble vitamins so they can make their way into your bloodstream. Your immune system is made up of lymph fluid, lymph nodes & vessels, bone marrow, thymus, spleen, tonsils, mucus membranes, and skin.
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Cupping Therapy
Cupping involves gliding or keeping stationary, plastic or silicone suction cups on the skin. Using negative pressure, the cups promote blood flow, myofascial release, and cellular repair. The discoloration caused by this modality is completely normal and will last from a few days to two weeks.
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Corrective Exercise
Using posture and gait analysis, I am able to easily identify muscular imbalances. This technique allows me to provide specific stretches and exercises  to encourage further balance in the body. Generally, I will use my knowledge of corrective exercise before a massage session so that your massage is targeted, leaving out the guesswork.
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Fascial Stretching
Fascial stretching involves a therapist stretching the client. Using traction and gentle movement, this modality helps to lengthen the fascia increasing circulation to and through it. The release of the fascia’s tight grip on muscular, neural and vascular structures creates an increase in the client’s range of motion as well as a decrease in discomfort or pain.
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